You might be wondering why this article is titled as such. Well, it’s called “Car Wars” because the battle between cars are heating up – now more than ever.
In the Philippines, there is a mighty need for a super compact car that can squeeze through the everyday traffic that plagues the streets of the country. It might be because of this that there is a rising trend amongst Filipino consumers preferring small subcompact cars, such as sedans and compact cars.
Basically, these people want a vehicle that they can maneuver through the tight spaces as well as park really easily—thanks to its small size. These types of vehicles are gaining popularity, not just because of their size, but also because of their fuel efficiency, and affordability.
Admittedly, compact cars have a lot of catching up to do to be able to reach sedan’s popularity in the market. But you could say that they are up to a good start, particularly since people are starting to see their appeal.
Small families are especially fond of subcompact cars because they suite their needs perfectly. Sure, they might not get you the attention you would normally get when you’re driving a sports car, but they can provide you what you need, such as getting you from point A to point B. They are also known to last pretty long, which means the money you invested in it is put to good use.
There are so many subcompact cars in the market today. This makes it hard for consumers to pick which one is best, particularly since most of them have similar features. But this theory shall be tested; because this article will be comparing two subcompact cars: Toyota Wigo and Hyundai Eon.
Eon Exterior
Wigo Exterior
As a subcompact car, these two are expected to be small. However, both Hyundai and Toyota did not overlook the exterior forms of their respective vehicles, knowing that this is the first thing consumers will be looking at. This is why they have ensured that both the Wigo and the Eon look elegant and classy, despite them being smaller than ordinary vehicles.
It is important to note though, that Wigo is comparatively bigger and classier than the Eon. Just take into account Wigo’s size; it is 105mm larger, 70mm wider, and 20mm taller than the South Korean-made Eon. You could say this is acceptable, given that the Eon was designed for the purpose of squeezing in the busiest streets in the world, while the Wigo is manufactured for the streets that experience traffic that is not too extreme. This would, then, explains the size difference between the two vehicles.
The smaller sized Eon comes with a 0.8 liter engine, while the larger Wigo sports a 1.0 liter engine. Both the car’s engines are expected to be small because if you’re sporting a large engine on a small car, you’ll just be experiencing more hassle.
The Wigo’s 3-cylinder DOHC engine produces approximately 65 horsepower at 6000 rpm. While the Eon with its Inline 3 SOHC 9-valve, has a lower engine capability which is estimated to produce 55 horsepower at 5500 rpm.
Even though the Eon sounds like the weaker one, you have to keep in mind that it’s a smaller car therefore, while driving, it’ll still feel really exciting to drive because the capabilities of the engine is perfect for the size of the car. But, the Wigo comes in a choice if you want a 4-speed automatic transmission, which will definitely help you relax during a heavy traffic situation.
Fuel Economy
Since they’re both small, their fuel economy is almost proportional to the size of their engines. Since the Eon’s engines are smaller, it definitely provides a better fuel economy. But this doesn’t mean that the Wigo’s fuel economy is bad.
You must keep in mind that the Eon can provide 18-20 km/l in a variable traffic situation. On the other hand, the Wigo provides a fuel economy of 12-13 km/l while in city traffic, and 19-20 km/l while in highways. You must also keep into account that Wigo’s choice for automatic transmission is proven to get a better fuel economy than the manual transmission one.
Wigo Interior
Eon Interior
Regardless of their small size, both the Eon and the Wigo offer spacious interior which can seat up to 5 people. However, Toyota’s Wigo is bigger in size, which means that it also provides a much spacious headroom and leg space than the Eon.
If you are going to look into the vehicles’ interior, then you will find that both of them are quite evenly matched. However, Wigo’s accessories and car paraphernalia just exceeds expectations. It offers a touchscreen entertainment display, whereas Eon only provides a standard entertainment system (that can be controlled through pushing the buttons fixed into the car).
Though, you have to remember that these cars are not exactly extravagant, so don’t expect them to have accessories that are very similar to the ones you can find in luxury cars. But you mustn’t get too hung up on the interior and accessories; safety should be your number one priority in choosing a car.
You’ll be glad to know though, that both cars took safety matters very seriously, with Wigo a bit more than the Eon. The Eon has airbags installed in the driver’s side, while the Wigo has dual airbags placed in its interior, to ensure that its passengers are also safe in case of car crash.
The Verdict
At first sight, the Eon and the Wigo both look evenly matched but, with enough attention to detail, you’ll notice that the Toyota Wigo comes up on top. Although some might think that the Wigo is a buyer’s favorite because it carries the name of a well-known brand like Toyota, the car actually speaks for itself. With it being bigger in size, having more accessories, and having a stronger engine, the Toyota Wigo is definitely the clear winner in this car comparison.
Filipinos, who are planning to buy a subcompact car, can confidently choose Toyota Wigo over Hyundai Eon. They can be assured that this car will go above and beyond their needs!
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